Thursday, June 28, 2012

Brazil has cut interest rates 8 times so far

129836519557031250_195Release signal encouraging the International Central Bank rate cut liwan economic downturn market As a recent package of "steady growth" important part of the policy, the Central Bank cut interest rates "boots" finally fell to the ground. Before the rate cut had been widely expected by the market, but the bold and some surprise in the form of a novel point also was buoyed by the international market, risk currencies such as euro, pound sterling, Australian dollar bombs rise. However, the market's optimism was quickly Fed Chairman Ben BernankeSpeech away, he is not expected to take hinted more monetary stimulus. Excessive growth of the global economy is suffering through an adjustment period, market focus rotation transform. Cut internal and external conditions are ripe, 7th, Fan Jianping, Director of economic forecasting at the national information centre "rising China Investment Forum" giving a speech that, if the European debt crisis on world economic impactReal big, domestic prices fall faster, and the central banks have cut interest rates move, then China would cut interest rates. But then he added: "this does not mean they need now. "The surprise is, on the same day evening, the Central Bank announced on 8th cut interest rates by 25 basis points. Central Bank not only symmetrical cut its deposit and loan interest rates, while also promoting marketization of interest rate changeLeather, deregulation of deposit and lending rate floating range of control read more, market call this new bold. Although markets had widely expected the central bank interest rate cuts, but most people never expect 3.5 years of the first rate cut came so early. An international analysis of Chen Gong said Chief Researcher, domestic economic situation and the international environment has provided ripe conditions for central banks cut interest rates. FaceDomestic economic slowdown, local negative signal such as debt problems, weak export demand, plus the comfort range of CPI fell back around or to 3%, for monetary policy to make room; looking abroad, tide of rate cuts has been spread in emerging countries, Australia's Central Bank cut interest rates for two consecutive months, Brazil has cut interest rates 8 times so far, India's Central Bank also said it continues to cut interest rates in the coming months. HairEconomies such as the United States, Europe, Japan has taken a different degree of economic problems, especially the euro area has been the center of global economic turmoil. "This easing was not to early, but was late. "Senior researcher Zhao Qingming of China Construction Bank told a press conference. Zhao Qingming, four quarters of last year Brazil, the European Union and Australia have cut interest rates when China does not easily takeAction cut window appears in the first quarter of this year, but from a good domestic economic data as well as credit data exceeded expectations, would be delayed again. From the effects, cut slope deposit and more conducive to enhanced business confidence, more conducive to stimulating consumption.

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