Wednesday, June 13, 2012

cobalt powder 1450 tons Diablo 3 CD-KEY cobalt powder 1450 tons - IYVZ

129833943164531250_306Grammy: the policy good performance during the year turning point Domestic waste resources producing of ultrafine cobalt and nickel powder of leading enterprises of the company is the largest waste resource recycling of fine cobalt nickel powder business. Now ultrafine nickel powder and cobalt powder production capacity was 1300 and 2000 tons, is expected to share in the domestic market by more than 30%. 2011 sales 730 tons of ultrafine nickel powder, cobalt powder 1450 tons, ranking first in the countryBit. As electrowinning of copper, wood-plastic extrusion products, rapid expansion, sales in 2011 were 3,898.13 tons and 11,816.33 tons, is expected in 12 production capacity of 10,000 tons and 20 Diablo 3 CD-KEY,000 tons respectively. Company's waste resource recycling technology in the leading level in China and international advanced level, development of leading enterprises of the industry technical standards. In particular independent researchThe chemical reduction of patent technology, relative to the traditional method of Carbonyl, while ensuring product quality, more environmentally friendly, in line with national industrial policy direction. Company currently can be recycled with the metal content of 5% waste, nickel, cobalt and copper recovery rate close to 100%. Based on the technology and scale of, certification of the company's products by large customers at home and abroad, forming a stable customerGroups, such as Rio Tinto supplies of nickel powder for inspection-free product. Enter the rare metal recovery, is contribution income traditional businesses to ultrafine cobalt and nickel powder, raise investment and expansion by listing the basic end. Nearly two years new recovery line to copper, aluminum, tungsten, iron, gold, silver, Platinum, Palladium, and other varieties of metal recycling and development, particularly the 11 additional items added waste circuit boards and so onWaste handling capacity of 300,000 tons, can reclaim high value of rare and precious metals, is the company's significant earnings growth in the future. Optimistic began contribution to earnings in the second half of this year. Recycling system of deep digging "urban mines" traditional raw materials include waste and used battery waste, waste catalysts, tungsten carbide, electric appliances SWTOR CD-key, etc. Metal recovery of species diversity,Required synchronization types of recycling waste materials and processing. Currently four ways to expand range of waste materials: 1, apply for a total dismantling processing enterprises in various regions, currently through the industrial center building, already has three areas of Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan dismantling intelligence, corporate planning in Jiangsu's industrial base has not been built, also without qualification; 2, Directly to the production or recycling business purchasing, establishing long-term supply relationships, purchasing larger this way, can meet the needs of large-scale production of the company; 3 system, establishing a community recycling, other than recycling network mode currently in use, the company plans construction of Hubei recovery of up to 1 million tons/year of large-scale distributed marketing and warehousing for e-waste recycling centre, play rulesMold effect; 4, actively expanding imports of waste sources and meet the needs of large-scale purchase. Qualification of the company has imported scrap, nickel scrap, is applying for metal scrap import qualified this year plans to import waste ratio of 30%. Through the establishment of recycling system, the company added a discarded printed circuit boards scrap, scrap car, scrap metal, and other materials, waste 2011Total handling capacity of 500 Diablo 3 gold,000 tons. New projects coming on stream this year, capacity is expected to be further enhanced. Waste electrical and electronic products Fund formally introduced, performance is expected to rebound significantly in the second half the Ministry of Finance announced on 30th, since July 1 this year will be the introduction of waste electrical and electronic products in China Fund. Fund collection object for the producers of electrical and electronic products,Imports of electrical and electronic products to the consignee or his agents, producers of electrical and electronic products include own brand production enterprises, and OEM production enterprises. Imposition of standards for: TV 13, washing machine, refrigerator 12 Yuan/Taiwan/Taiwan $ 7/$ 7, room air conditioners, micro 10 Yuan/Taiwan/Taiwan ("four-a brain"). Levy funds will be used to subsidizeDismantling companies. Allowances, TV $ 85, washing machine, refrigerator 80 Yuan/Taiwan/Taiwan $ $ 35/35, room air conditioners, micro $ 85/Taiwan/Taiwan. The significance of establishment of the Fund is primarily: 1, standard appliance recycling and dismantling, used electrical household appliance recycling and dismantling of the raw materials to the formal enterprise focus, expanding sources of raw materials for the company have a veryPositive sense; 2, promoting corporate responsibility to the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, which is a foreign "producer pays" model. Company's 2011 "four machine brain" dismantling processing capacity to more than 1.3 million units, television sets and refrigerators breaking up than 70~80%. We follow the TV, refrigerator less than 60% than 20%Assumptions, remaining for the washing machine and air conditioning, a year to obtain the subsidy income above $ 96.2 million, increased EPS of $ 0.14 per cent. Waste treatment capacity of the company this year there is room for further expansion, traditional production company during the first half of the end of the season and home appliance trade-in policy influence, home appliances and lower capacity, support of the policy in the second half are expected toRising fast. We estimate that household appliances subsidies ' contribution to the performance in the second half of this year at about $ 0.07~0.1. Profit forecasts and ratings we forecast, the company 2012-2014-year EPS of $ 0.34, $ 0.47, respectively, and $ 0.61. Companies engaged in the business of development direction and core technologies are in line with the State's industrial policy, will continue by policySupport, waste electrical and electronic products Fund introduced brings substantive positive; raised investment projects production growth is expected to clear step by step. First "overweight" rating. Risk analysis of lower-than-expected new projects were put into operation process; the lack of serious waste of raw materials supply product prices down significantly. Others:

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