Monday, May 14, 2012

or 0.72% Diablo 3 Gold or 0.72% - YICT

129809694353593750_611Europe's main stock index up Monday Greece stock closed down 6.67% NetEase finance, May 8-in France and Greece voters voted against austerity after abandoning the present Government, European stocks fell sharply Monday, Greece stock market plunged by more than 7%. London afternoon rebound in European stock market a comprehensive, most of the stock index up, only Greece index still plunged. As of closing, measure the overall performance of European markets of the Pan-European STOXX 600 index rose 1.83 o'clock, at 254.83 points, or 0.72% Diablo 3 Gold, in early trading, the index was down more than 5%. The index last week as the worst since the end of March, one-week decline in at 2.4%. In France, Socialist Party leader Francois hollande to defeat Sarkozy election, a new term France President. Election results make the eurozone continue Germany-led austerity measures to resolve doubtful,The measures being considered to be fleeing the key solution of the debt crisis in Europe. France stock market fell in early trading, but eventually fell to go up. France CAC40 index 52.25 points to close at 3,214.22, or 1.65%. But analysts pointed out that the round is unlikely to try to advance financial treaties, it is more likely to help Germany's Prime Minister Merkel to considerEurope's future. After a day of reflection, investors Hollande was elected France President of response tends to "rational". BNP Paribas stock prices EUR 1.22, at 30.21 euros, or 4.21%. Societe Generale Bank 0.70 euro, closing at � 17.99, or 4.02%. Construction company LafargeSA up 1.18 euro, closing at EUR 30.5 Diablo 3 gold, or 4.03%. Rose VinciSA EUR 1.03, closing at EUR 35.29, or 3.01%. World's biggest steel maker ArcelorMittal up 0.24 euro, closing at 12.48 euros, or 1.92%. Analysts pointed out that building and resource stocks helpedEuropean stock markets rebound. Although most of the afternoon by the fall in European stock market going up, Greece stock market still plunged. Greece Athens composite index fell 45.99 points SWTOR Power Leveling, closed at 643.87 points, or 6.67%. Greece National Bank down 0.14 euro, closing at EUR 1.55, or 8.28%. Greece 10-year government bond yields rose almost 2.3% to23.01%. Greece punished voters to ballot papers tend to international assistance to political parties. Greece 96% the general election vote count result shows that ruling coalition party and the new party Pan Greece separate cabinet Congress Socialist parties were unable to reach an absolute majority of votes. A series of small parties oppose taking more austerity measures has won more support, and Greece must approve fiscal austerity to getSecond round of rescue. Switzerland the manufacturer Roche shares fell 3.45%, after the company announced disappointing data dalcetrapib stop heart disease drug test. Germany the DAX30 index rose 8.01 per cent to 6,569.48, or 0.12%. Germany ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU)Party support rate fell to 31% in the election, is the lowest level since 1950, but Merkel is Germany's largest party. Chemicals giant BASF (BASFSE) bucked the down 1.47 euro, closing at � 59.23, or 2.42%. United Kingdom markets were closed on Monday for holidays. (Wade) extended reading Greece Council hidden new crisisPush the European Central Bank, or QE politics reignited fears the European debt crisis will continue in the future decline of the euro Greece hit parliamentary election results on EU rescue plan Others:

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