Saturday, March 31, 2012

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129773438586562500_97March 22, the State Council approved and transmitted to the national development and Reform Commission of the 2012 focus on deepening economic reform. Reform of financial and taxation section, two sessions of concern to the parties on individual income tax reform which does not appear. However, this does not mean "home collection" as the core of a tax reform efforts stalled. Reporter was informed that, in the currentRelevant departments of the Central Government is ready to start a national tax system where personal information networking in 2012, "according to the family collection of personal income tax" reform technology ready. And before that, how the statistics of different members of the same family incomes, has been a reform of the tax levied by family's biggest technical obstacle. Multiple departments share information you want rent personal informationNetworking is the "family integrated charge reform" a prerequisite. Following the personal housing information in major cities throughout the country, Provident Fund, affordable housing information one after another after you start networking, networking of the national tax system where personal information is expected to fully start in 2012. Deputy Director of the Institute of fiscal science, Ministry of Liu Shangxi confirmed the news to reporters, he said,"At this stage a tax reform is not the problem of the taxation system, but rather a technical issue. "Until then, personal income tax charged in accordance with the individual, is imposed" taxes income dependency "collection. "The family as the unit integrated calculation and collection", it is in family units, after added the family member's income, consolidated the individual income tax. Thus, much of China's "people"And" offsite revenue "brings the problem began to occur. "Comprehensive income of a household unit personal income tax" levied under way, how in different areas of family members information complete the total of income tax together, has become the most critical technology issues. Which Government rent personal information national network is the solution to this problem is the most realistic way. "For exampleSay I return in Beijing, but have income from around the country, if there is a national network of databases have access to all my income throughout the country, at the time of Declaration of tax will be unified computing can only be integrated tax levy. "By the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of tax office director Zhang bin told reporters. Study of the relevant departments of the Central Government on this issue has alreadyTaking into account. In 2009, the State administration of taxation has issued a document specifically, local tax systems across the country are required to personal income tax information database online. But the document issued after 3 years, rent personal information network throughout the country and start over. Liu Shangxi said to the local tax authorities and after the financial, banking and other related institutional networking in order to achieve comprehensive collection, but it is still notUnified national network. "Many departments in the investigation, including tax, civil affairs, public security, financial, trade, social security and housing departments are sharing of limited, conditional, a tax break this year is to implement the policy last year, implemented well. "He said. Some cities already have tax reform pilot condition cannot be fully under way buy swtor, but in someEconomic conditions of more developed regions started a tax reform. Although a tax "in family of integrated tax" reform in technical preparation phase, but in the view of most experts, has been part of the city have the condition of the pilot. Has worked in Beijing tax authorities, currently Vice President of State Council, the Central University of finance and tax College Liu Huan, 2004 years, when in 2005, tax information, Beijing has covered most of the working-class, already have such comprehensive implementation of the tax system, if gradual improvement on that basis and complete comparison in some basic information, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Suzhou City pilot integrated tax system, so the experience, a comprehensive tax systemReform is more simple. "Like the pilot approval Shanghai, Chongqing property taxes that year, economic conditions can in some more developed areas to start a tax reform. "Liu Huan said. However, Liu Huan said, although the conditions of the city with the pilot, comprehensive reforms but still has not started, may also need to State Legislative Department, Ministry of finance and the constraints of local laws,To further implementation. "Current major national development speed, if relevant departments to reform in a hurry, will inevitably have an impact on advancing, in this case, which is also based in several cities. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academy of finance and strategy deliberating also believes that after the pilot into perspective of regulation of people's income is no longer limited to a single project, but comprehensive income。 Given the background of increasingly diversified sources of income, established on the basis of the integrated calculation and collection of personal income tax regulation, is no doubt closer regulation of resident income distribution gap of realities. Experts recommended that automatically adjusts the collection point for three years from 2011, was introduced by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of programmes, based on the classification of the current income tax system, and maintain the existing classification of income taxUnder the premise of basic element unchanged, only imposed on annual income of over $ 120,000 taxpayers tax official and comprehensive income. "As part of an integrated range of calculation and collection of the selected items which are one of the most difficult aspects, bread here contain two contradictions: fairness and efficiency, reform of collection and administration costs and effects. "Zhang bin said. A tax credit points cannot be frequently adjusted on the need for dynamic optimization of a new scheme。 For a tax reform, during the two sessions, NPC deputies and CPPCC members have proposed increased collection points now, and it's become about a reform of the common people. In April 2011, the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress to modify the provisions of the law on personal income tax, decided to go into effect on September 1, 2011 new tax adjustment, modified version of the wage and salary income tax standards,Applicable excess progressive rates, tax rate is 3% per cent; balance of revenues minus costs of $ 3,500 per month for taxable. 9 level in excess of the rate from the original progressive tax rate is reduced to 7 in excess of a progressive, low tax rate reduced from 5% to 3%, exemption from the current $ 2000 increased to $ 3,500. Treasury Department data shows 2011Income tax revenue was 605.4 billion yuan, increased 121.7 billion yuan over the previous year, an increase of 25.2%. Among them, four-quarter decline in personal income tax 5.5%, working largely from September 1 to improve personal income tax abatement costs derived from standard effects, monthly personal income tax reduction of $ 13.8 billion and reform practice of four months to alleviate burden on residents $ 55 billion. "Last year a taxCollection points that have changed, this year we'll make adjustment is unlikely, a tax reform is not a great leap forward. "Liu Shangxi said. Liu Huan believes that entangled in tax collection and the significance, "a tax collection points can be linked to the price index of statistics diablo 3 power leveling, and automatic adjustment every three years at a time. Conventional adjustments do not like this raise a big Rumpus, you can use the related programs-curingDown, for example, adopted by the Standing Committee will be able to adjust. "Liu Huan added, after taxes and the National Bureau of statistics of index-linked, high prices without tax, only the use of a scientific approach in order to truly let the burden of the people with the rise in prices has been adjusted. For tax reform in the future, Jia Kang, believes that further discussion on how to cultivate middle class。 "After all our country's personal income tax or to undergo a process of dynamic optimization, ' Twelve-Five ', we need to launch further new scheme for dynamic optimization of the personal income tax, adding ' comprehensive ' mechanisms and family maintenance coefficient differential mechanisms, these are around positive nurturing and expanding middle class in China such a guide. "According to the China business newspaperGuan Lian what information networking personal housing information in January of this year, Department of housing and urban-rural construction held working conference, summed up work for 2011, research deployment in 2012. Real estate adjustment and achieved certain results, Minister of housing, towards the desired direction to continue accelerating the construction of personal housing information system tera gold, guarantees in 2012Implementation before the end of the 40 major cities network. Provident Fund account in February of this year, Housing Department has deployed, and strive to complete the 100 major cities across the country by the end of this year online monitoring of the housing accumulation Fund account, to break the housing accumulation Fund account only by the traditional pattern of the territorial Government. In addition, the construction Ministry of the housing accumulation fund management regulations amended work plan for next yearBy June. Protected online monitoring at the State Department will be equitable distribution of security housing after the question on the agenda, Ministry of construction has been providing security housing national network monitoring pilot, where housing project development and construction, distribution, management of the entire process online monitoring system. On March 8, confirmed to reporters an official from the Ministry of housing, affordable housing in national networkMonitoring and 100 cities housing accumulation fund national network monitoring work hand in hand. Traffic violation information in January of this year, Beijing traffic management Bureau of traffic offence system upgrades system, was completed on 16th and the national platform for networking. According to the requirements of public security, will deepen the tube unified information integration throughout the country, and gradually built "six one" integrated application system. Receive localMotor vehicles after a traffic violation information from other provinces, will be updated at the State motor vehicle. Since October 1 last year, 10 provinces (regions) had started across the province to transmit illegal recording of traffic monitoring equipment acquisition, offsite traffic offence penalties. According to the Beijing News (Editor: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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