Tuesday, March 27, 2012

diablo 3 gold looks good - QZT

129755780482968750_554I believe many people have heard rumors about iPad 3 resolution four times times, if you have four times the resolution of the display is not very clear concepts, then here is a good demonstration of the legend, tells you the legendary 2048x1536 's resolution, running a single player game, you will have very little effect. Following figure, is from the developersKevin Ng blog public test of the legend diablo 3 power leveling, he will play Food Run to 2048x1536 level of quality to the corresponding legend, first take a look at the original effect: this is now Food effect of Run run on the iPad right now, looks good diablo 3 gold, very clear. And if the mirrorHead narrow, under hardware support will now draw the effect, can still see some of the particles and pixels, not that smooth feeling. And if iPad3 optimization will be the effect of the resolution, feel the moment feels completely different? For the game, so that hi-def looks like may andNot a good thing, had to cope with iPad 2 HD footage, new iPad 3 appearance may not be ideal. The other hand tera power leveling, HD stands has become increasingly apparent that you want to picture flaws, to ensure the effects for the same also need to be more serious and hard work. However, it remains a mystery whether iPad3 will bring the game gods changes, We'll see together. (Editors: Wang Hao) Others:

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