Saturday, March 31, 2012

swtor gold - LUC

129773438600468750_131Small spring, a total of 179 stocks funds outperform, money week reporter Liu Meng 40%/percentage shares out of the wave of small early spring in early 2012. Many fund companies Fund yields from negative to positive, even showing strong performance. But also some Fund takong small spring, poor NET performance. Smaller ETF and index fundWave led a share in early 2012, out of the small spring. January 4, 2012, the Shanghai composite index rose to 9.58%. According to flush data to January 4, 440 stock funds with NET performance data, a total of 179 outperform, than about 40%. This 179 runs to win bigEquity funds, there are 21 funds range rises to more than 15%. Rose first, most index funds and ETF funds. Among them, install the card best commodity ETF performance. March 19 in early 2012, their right to compound net growth rate of 22.92%, associated country right to install card commodity ETF join complex net growth21.62%. UBS sdic resource industry in the upper card index (LOF), Lion Shanghai new ETF, Fu Guozhong 500 index increased (LOF), fidelity card 500 index rating is a good performance. Early 2012 to March 19 complex rights net worth growth, 20%, 18.25%,。 Rose first equity fund, in addition to the types are index funds and ETF funds, there is also a feature, its fund size is mini. According to flush data to selected blue-chip Thai letters, day treatment of core competitiveness in innovation pioneer, Invesco great wall complex rights net growth rate between January 4, 2012, respectively, 22.13%., 96%. As at December 31, 2011, the scale that few funds are below the 1 billion. "Small fund flexible, easy to adjust, market rises when they are particularly cool. "An investment manager in Shenzhen, told reporters," If the market correction, purchase fund holders have to pay attention to risk. "In the market in early 2012,There are many mini net out of the strong performance of the Fund. Differentiation of small scale net fund performance significantly, some small fund performance were far behind. According to flush data to countdown the top ten per cent in equity funds, eight Fund below the 700 million. Teda grow three small holdings in this wave of frustration in the early spring, net least desirableThe Teda Manulife growth stock. According to flush data, Teda Manulife growth net power of compound growth between January 4, 2012-0.27%, is the only 440 stock fund a net growth rate of negative fund. Teda growth 2011 year under report of the four seasons, at the end of 2011, Teda growth for electronics, bio-medicine, Information technology stocks higher. Teda growth top holdings gains are not strong in early 2012, even more than three holdings only appear at the beginning of 6% dropped. Teda top holdings of grow is LEYBOLD high branch, asset net worth by the end of 2011, 7.04%, LEYBOLD Hi-January 4, 2012Interval of only 2.39% per cent. Three other large holdings of Teda Manulife growth Xinhua medical, laimei deren electronic, pharmaceutical industry, stock ownership percentage, 3.2%, and 2.65% respectively, both fell. January 4, 2012 for the bands, deren electronic range increase-6.06%, Xinhua medical-6.61%, laimei Pharma-6.71%. In addition, penghua consumer preferred, bright wheels, tianhong cycle policy's net growth is very weak, according to flush the data, this complex of three funds between January 4, 2012 rights net worth growth, 0.48%, and 1.64% respectively. Everbright industry wheel was founded inOn February 15, 2012, it is understood that the Fund has only just started to build positions. Overall performance, eye-catching in the South, average 12% reporter according to flush data and statistics found that this wave in the market tera gold, growth equity fund with an average net worth of about 8.84%. Old funds have generally proven history. The company's overall performance and stability. To January 4Interval, Chinese, k real swtor gold, e, Onari, Boshi, owned by us Equities Fund's average net worth growth, 9.3%,, 9.76%, and 9.49%,. Among them, the overall performance of the Fund's most eye-catching in the South, its average net 15 funds grew 12.03%, all funds in the companyGrowth in the most obvious. In addition, League of Nations, guangfa Fund, Lion funds equity fund with an average net worth growth, 10.84%, and 11.47% respectively, among all fund companies ranked. It is understood that the funds in the South, guangfa Fund at the end of 2011 will have to maintain a high position. Most of the funds entering the market, butAnd funds between the company's overall performance and differentiation. Individual firms did not catch this wave, relatively weak growth of the net value of the Fund as a whole. One by one according to the flush and statistics the net value of the Fund as a whole, January 4 average net equity fund growth rate, HSBC only 3.63% swtor credits, jinyuanhuili 5%, fallAfter the industry average. In addition, some just set up a new fund companies still in the positions of the layout, single fund and industry average net growth rate of a certain gap. Trend of Shanghai stock index since the beginning of March the callback, the fund company is thereby also has a different view. "The market up to now, there is not a decent callbacks. "Shenzhen said a Fund's Research Director。 Malo Boshi fund managers believe that turning point Foundation now in recession to recovery, fundamental improvements in the short term is difficult to see, but also fixed valuations will continue. (Editors: Lu Yang) Others:

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