Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold account maintenance fees - VGF

129784668275053750_532Wang Qunhang: Select time is mainly the responsibility of the investor Perspective causes loss of tourists 97,464 ask: ask the expert, fund losses of more than 500 billion last year, why not? Fund's investment capacity is questionable? Wang Qunhang: on the performance of the Fund losses tera gold, first depends on the type of Fund tera gold, the second composition depends on the Fund's performance. From the point of view of types, primary equity fund performance loss more primary bond basedGold not much loss. From the performance of the Fund structure, even in the main stock fund, some stock investment income of the Fund is a positive number, but changes in the fair value was a huge loss. In other words, the Fund to operate in legal compliance, it must hold the stock losses due to the underlying market trend. Liu Yiqian: loss of funds mainly from the base cityWeak, second position with the underlying market structure deduction of the Fund's coordination is also not lead to poor overall performance of the Fund, but the level of performance is not sufficient to say that in the short term Fund in the long run the vast majority of funds can still beat the benchmark should be with a more long-term view to look at the investment capacity of the Fund. Wang Guangguo: under the turn out in full force, and eggs. Subject-less due to fund investments in China, lack ofPunching tools. Fund's performance and the performance of the a-share market closely. Therefore tera power leveling, partial stock-fund losses are normal, normal state of mind. Visitor 72,812 asked: widespread loss of stock funds last year, things will get better this year? This year's investment strategy should uphold the principles adopted? Wang Qunhang: this depends on market trends in the stock market. If the stock market better, Primary equity fund performance will naturally good. It is objective reality, is the inevitable legal compliance of these funds to operate the basic conditions of performance. Under such circumstances, investment funds need to have a certain amount of optional, and, when selected is primarily the responsibility of the investor. Liu Yiqian: underlying market last year was too weak, this situation or this year has changed, The Fund can play to the professional investment capacity, and achieve satisfactory returns for investors. On the investment strategy recommended investors cautiously optimistic attitude, seize the investment opportunities in defense. Wang Guangguo: I think the risks after the release of the two consecutive years in the market, market will be well in 2011 for 2012. Investment strategy of the Fund for this year, at present, China's economic DepartmentIn the period of transformation from recession to recovery, but also in a period of economic transition, moderate makes macroeconomic policy in a weak periodic, and valuations are low, more stages are structural opportunities or opportunities in the market in the future, we think the market is low turbulence of partial merit Fund of investment opportunities. Structural or periodical in the market, stocks and sectorsA differentiation, bottom up stock selection ability on the performance of the Fund has an important role, but we have management and outstanding performance for the past three years in the annual reports of the Fund Manager to see that, in the current market environment, importance of optimization of stock to fund performance. Stock focus on performance stability of stocks, high quality growth stocks and shares with core competitiveness and fundamentally soundShare words that many fund managers appear in the view. Secondly, in the style of the Fund on the match, we focus on both growth and value characteristics of China offers blue-chip funds that styles. Charge compliance is important in tourists 61,033 asked: conclusion of the Fund's annual report last year revealed, widespread loss of fund performance and ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain be charged management fees of the Fund criticized Christian democratic. You think the successive years of losses,Fund management company the drop charge? Wang Qunhang: management fee charged is in line with contracts, on the one hand this is the specific mode of operation of public fund is located on the other, in the Fund prospectuses, Fund are expressed in the contract. In our society today, a lack of something, that is the spirit of contract. Charge a management fee is in line with the provisions of the contract. Can changeTo recall a point: 2006, 2007, 2009, these three years, the Fund's performance is very good, especially the last two years, equity fund performance is doubled. Who said all those times: the Fund's management fee is too little? Liu Yiqian: fund the company through professional fund management charge is their ecological, weak widespread losses in the city should not be attributedCrime Fund if fund managers and fund companies due diligence industry, played a professional financial value, its charge a management fee is reasonable. Investors if you want to invest in investment performance to charge a management fee of product, you can choose private or special accounts. Wang Guangguo: fund losses and capital markets are interrelated. Charge management fees are normal, apply the correct frame of mindView. Tourists 52,913 asked: overseas fund management companies are also offering ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain in the domestic management mode? What's the experience worthwhile? Liu Yiqian: like China, United States also charge a management fee fixed rate mode. United States Fund rate adjustments are more flexible, as the growth fund manager in consultation with the investors of the size of the consent ofAppropriate management cut rates, and domestic fund industry experience. Know more about Fund charges tourists 20,293 asked: how the fee structure of the Fund? Commission, account maintenance fees, hosting fees are deducted from the management fee? Or to fund your own money? Wang Qunhang: the problem is, released shortly before we can take a look at the income statement in the annual report of the Fund. In costs, Manager of compensation, hosting fees, service fees, transaction fees, interest expenses and other costs and other expenses. This indicates that these costs are borne by the investor. Liu Yiqian: for investors, Fund structures, including management fees, hosting fees, the cost of sales and service fee (or), purchase (subscription) fee, redemption fee (or). Commission is in operationIn the process, are met by the Fund. Customer care costs borne by the fund company itself, hosting fees and management fees paid by the Fund to the trust banks and fund managers. Wang Guangguo: Fund costs include a one-time payment of costs and expenses paid out of Fund assets. One-time payment of fees including application fee and redemption fee. Fees paid out of Fund assets primarilyHosting fees, management fees, and monetary funds, Bond Fund class c shares sale service fee. Hosting fees and management fees are separate. Account maintenance fee paid to fund sales channels, from the management fees charged by payment. Visitors 82,942 to ask: compared with other national funds, fund management charge is high in China, what is the cause? Liu Yiqian: countriesDue to factors such as the historical formation and model, it is difficult to compare. From management charge alone, China Fund management fees are relatively high, but there are certain objective factors, such as lack of multi-level rates model and flexible rate adjustment mode. Such as the United States, bring costs down due to economies of scale, setting up long rates significantly lower than the establishment of fund managementShort of funds. In addition, the tariff structure as a whole, China funds the purchase, redemption rates significantly lower than United States interbank level. Wang Qunhang: no need to ask overseas. This is public, private-equity funds of two different forms. Public placement Fund, only charge a management fee, and have clear instructions in the contracts before. Private equity fund, first charge management fees, the second receive performance reward, Performance increases when actual proceeds are less than the public investor, performance decreases when private-no minimum guarantee to investors, because the minimum guarantee is in violation of the Securities Act. Others:

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