Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling dark horse is easy to run out - NCU

129777286954062500_23Yang Shaoji, Chief Investment Officer of the Golden Eagle Fund: the market is in the building on the right [Similar to the current situation and in 2005 when the stock, securities and Futures Commission a series of governance of market behavior, will lead the market capital flows to the quality of listed companies, long-term health development conducive to the stock market] A-share grief and emotions of the wedding repertoire staged again. This week, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets were again short "bloodied", had accumulated more than two-month rally results tera power leveling, will soon be full swallowAlveolar macrophages. Since the beginning, Golden Eagle Fund Yang Shaoji, Chief Investment Officer of helm two rhythm tap the market, due in January, Golden Eagle and small-cap this year net growth rate reached 12.9%. But Cliff-fall of the market in the near future, that part of the income came down, as of March 29, the Golden Eagle and small-cap this year total return of 3.36%. Markets coveredIn the midst of grief, but Yang Shaoji were of the view that adjustment had expected, a share in the second half of the year system of bonus opportunities still exist. Of the financial literacy: How do market collapsed in a row? Yang Shaoji: this week the market slump is mainly due to previously announced profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in January-February the national down message, coupled with the expansion of securities market has notStop, more profitable, leading to hit market confidence. Oversold rebound this year after a correction was expected. The moment, the adjustment is necessary. This adjustment is to test the market rebound in the next driving force, has two purposes, first inspection after the index bounced up, economic fundamentals or policy did not meet market expectations. SubsectionSecond is testing the strength of a unit, whether in the making of a new round of up trend. On the whole, we think that, on the current level, near the market needed to digest index of 2,400 points in early profit and had tied up, it also needs a certain time. Of the financial literacy: the next showing what kind of trend in the market? Yang Shaoji: short term, market turbulenceHigher probability of correction. But short-term adjustment can be seen as a market building ready by the end of the stage, currently on the market in the right side of the building, whether large levels, needs further verification. In contrast, we are optimistic about the medium-term trend of the market, tend to think that building market up after high probability of some on the right. Our judgment based on several main areas: first, theOuter disc, European and American stock market performance is quite good, in this rally the world, performance of a-shares are lagging behind, and global rhythm of the tune. Shares a lot of investors are always without any cause of worry, fear of falling profits, economic decline, the policy did not relax. Most important was dropped last year. Second, from an investment perspective, this year's marketDriven by the rebound is based on a system of bonus, and this will be the theme of this year. System of bonuses including the SFC announced a series of measures, medium and long term, these measures are more helpful for the healthy development of the capital market. In 2005 when the stock started to promote, at first we are very cautious, as the unit replaced bad. But now looking back it seems, Stock resolved the issue of non-circulating stock shareholders ' interests, greatly improved the structure of the market, bring system bonus, plus the economy into boom cycles tera gold, market ushered in the big bull market. Now this is the case, the current gem high PE to issue new shares, and stir, and the Commission a series of governance of market behavior, will lead the market capital flows to the quality of listed companies,Not select those varieties of the dish is small, easy to fry, will make the investments more focus on the company's historical performance and profitability, long-term health development conducive to the stock market. Of the financial literacy: as adjustment, what will take your investment strategy? Yang Shaoji: investment strategy, snap up stage is the first stage of the rally. But after the adjustment in this stage, You need to share screen to select. The next investment this year, we will continue to be good at "stock theme" investment models. First, further screening from the listed company's annual report, quarterly reports and updates growth stock stock pool, to find a group of high quality growth stocks, into the portfolio. Secondly, if after market adjustments this year and we expectedAgreement, to have a certain amount of heat, strength and persistence, we will focus on the layout from the theme to start tracking investments at the end of last year, including water resources, advantageous resources such as rare earths and tungsten, natural gas, shale gas as a representative of a non-conventional energy tera power leveling, military, new energy vehicles, as well as major themes. Of the financial literacy: current market issues of general fear a decline in quarterly earnings of listed companies,What do you think? Yang Shaoji: experience the 2011 year after tightening of funds, many of the listed company's performance had been affected, a quarterly bulletin, there should be quite a lot of companies do not expect. Market must also reflect the expected a quarterly increase in good company in this rally, sustainability is best displayed. From this level,We stock selection is not pursuing the principle of black horse of the year. Under the long quotes in the market, dark horse is easy to run out, and in the context of declining profit growth as a whole, you should first of all in the white horse unit in earnings growth has been confirmed, more reasonable valuations of the stock filter again, find some great stocks. Now is stock, after all, far more than money, performanceLock and earnings estimates are by far the most consideration. We will introduce Golden Eagle core equity fund is to seek some good medium-and long-term earnings growth accelerating growth, profit growth stocks, we believe that, in the course of economic restructuring, with core resources advantages company officers to run the market. Others:

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