Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling avoiding deep site down again and again - CFU

129788654670468750_51 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera/gold">tera gold</a>First financial-ranking mobile phone free www.cnfol.com April 14, 2012 the Sun of China private equity business news view comments China's private equity data center/the Sun in March, the stock market another interpretation of agglutination in dilemma, first round of small early spring, is basedExpected the economic bottom up tera power leveling, since the March decline, also implied the market for economic disappointments and fears of a long time see warmer. In this issueWho has the most long-term profitability. Long term, value investors in China stock market will always keep few can stand out even more rarely, can bring most of the excess profits to investors are trading-oriented private equity products, and the development trend of the stock market in recent years in Europe and basic line. Almost 3 months: cangjia Trade Expo performance nearly threeMonths, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rebounded right from the lowest point, Shanghai on December 20 last year at 2215.93, on March 20 as 2376.84, or 7.26% for the three months. As the market for the economy as a whole are expected to be relatively pessimistic, directly led the market rally has its own significant characteristics, reflected in Bank shares, gains weight plate does notLarge, small and medium-sized market capitalisation stocks rise but at around 30%, short term 50% also rose by more than a few. Some private equity takes a chance of sunshine, significantly improving its net. But the private performance, total sunshine is more calm, in three months, 638 sunshine only average returns of 2.89% private equity products, underperform. This State, the mainIs due to private equity funds in the course of last year fell by common positions are less confident enough for this rise, basically in takong State. Therefore, in the market during these three months, original positions heavier following the market ups and downs all the way private placement, performance may actually not bad. The most typical are the two towers crystal series product and Lion King the Lion King 2 period 1 period, and 34.92%7% top March list of second and third place. The warehouse stocks rose basically full return obtained during this period of time. Another in the window get excess profits through effective transactions, opportunity earned a share of the proceeds. This transaction type player is the outstanding representative of March list of ChampionsLong, received $ 38.17% in the three-month results, obvious benefit is the trading style of Ge Weidong. Similar style makes the quarterly results of top private equity products there are chess geniuses Liu Rui helm Duo-Silver 6 issues (three months 20.84%) tera gold, Wei Shangyun in charge of Yun Cheng Tai series (20.4% three months) and long Zheng Xiaojun leads gold 11 (threeA 16.7%). The other hand, growth in scale with sunny private partLoss rates in excess of 16%. Equity of public fund performance over the same period is not very optimistic, 164-stock average returns of 2.44% public-fund products, runs to lose the market, private runs to lose the Sun. For nearly two years: private 30% Sun products to achieve positive returns in the past two years, the stock market is from 3000�� all the way down, study to the minimum of around 2,100 points�� Index from a cent on March 20, 2010-point hit a cent on March 20, 2012, or 22.52%, which has a deep cut and then pull up the picture of the cyclical opportunities, but overall stock situation is gradually decreased. In the context of this time span and stock market declines, sunny private equity showed a goodResilient. 280 after two years of operation of the private equity fund with an average loss rate of 5.91%, far outperform. 161 per cent only after two years of operation of the public fund average loss rate of 9.66%. Best performance in two years of Ze Hee Sun private with President Xu Xiang, Ruijin, 1th, performance at 101.26%. Second is FIR stone 1, twoAnnual increase of 72.54%, unfortunately, is the stone of phase 1 is still not out of the loss. Third was Bo Chen Feng to be in charge of the exhibition 1, three-year performance-52.86%. If Ze Bo Hee, exhibition is better than on the deal, Houchin is a different style to win victory in the two-year period, garden products, 46.55% and 32.05%List of accomplishments achieved fourth to sixth place. Arboretum in order take way to blue-chip companies, loyalty to one's own actions, seemingly simple, but effective labor. Nearly 4 years: sunny private polarization in nearly four years, the Shanghai composite index fell a cent on March 20, 2012 from per cent in March 2008, a decrease of 37.52%, dip to low 1664 points, after two years of slow down a bear market. After four years of operation of 93 private products, Sun rewards on average 3.46%, reflecting the longer the time span, sunny private profits as a whole more likely. Data show that 93 sunlight in private equity products, achieved a positive return of products up to 42, 45%�� List display, during this four-year top ten at Jin Zhonghe, fresh spring growth and 2008, a selection of game 1, King Lam Estate sound, the new value 2, rose Finch 1-2, Wudang 1 period, Sen. These products, because long-term returns and stability, has basically formed the first echelon of today's China Sun private. From the ranking of the four-year period, is basically trading Sun consisting mainly of privateRaise front, private well, type simple value configuration is not much, excellent basic reflected in China's stock market, you must do so effectively involved in the band again and again, avoiding deep site down again and again, solely on the long-term holding fixed, base difficult to outperform. Others:

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