Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling copper stocks reduced 4 - DPN

129764880439843750_49Northern Futures: Shanghai copper shocks to a narrow band continues to run "Review of" Shanghai copper contracts 1206 60,860, Yuan/ton today tera power leveling, at 60,780/Mt, closing price compared with the previous trading day up 500 Yuan/ton, or 0.83%, 203,862 hand positions, trading volume 387,510. "The fundamentals" macro-economic aspects: the United States, the Ministry of labour announced tera gold, March 10In a week, first-time claims for unemployment benefits to 351,000, better-than-expected March New York manufacturing index for the 20.21, exceeding expectations. In Europe, as Greece a major part of the assistance programme, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Thursday approved granting of 28 billion Euro 4-year loans to the country. Industry: National Statistical OfficePublished on March 16 February China's refined copper production of 437,000 metric tons, an increase of 9.5%, in January of 433,000 tons, rising 0.9%; total of 870,000 tons of domestic output in January-February. An increase of 6.9%; the United States copper and brass fabricators Council, brass products imports increased to 40,004 in January,707 points tera power leveling, United States brass product imports in January rose 7.9%, export volumes rose 6.3%. According to the Shanghai Futures Exchange announced last week in Shanghai warehouse copper inventories increase of 3,294 tonnes to 224,781 tonnes, as the highest so far in July 2002, is contrasted, LME data showed Friday, copper stocks reduced 4, 000 tonnes to 276,025 tonnes over a 31-month low. Spot: spot copper in Shanghai this report at 59900-60250 Yuan/ton, up 600 Yuan/ton, premium 350-premium of $ 250 per ton. Morning Shanghai copper of high turbulence, atmosphere has warmed up with copper trading, but couldn't spot overall domestic consumption improved, is still restrictedThe main factors of copper rose. "Action recommended" United States economy continues to go well, European debt problems have some relaxation, today is the last trading day of the week, trading volume relatively flat yesterday, reduced position, Shanghai copper advance immediately following the present volatile, no big fluctuations throughout the day. Short term prices continue to run around 58,500 per cent range, it is recommended that investorsOperations continue to take band does not change. Others:

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