Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling ads contain a few paragraphs in "hidden video footage" - RCZ

129779512045625000_37Phoenix Tech News Beijing time on April 3, according to CNET technology blog reported, based on Windows Phone 7 Lumia 900 system of Nokia smartphones will soon landed United States market, the Lumia 900 of its latest campaign ads, Nokia's dark satire more Apple iPhone mobile phoneFlaws. WPCentral found on technology blog, Nokia launched a new video ads, ads contain a few paragraphs in "hidden video footage", Nokia video ads suggesting that users of Apple iPhone mobile phone in existence of flaws including iPhone mobile phonePeople nicknamed "death grip" (death grip controversy) signal problem. The so-called "death grip", when a user hand holding the iPhone with mobile phones and Palm contacts to its two external antennas tera power leveling, mobile phone signal becomes weak, or even disappear. The video hints: tera power leveling, including the iPhone, mentioned beforeFor real, all phones are smart phones--Nokia Lumia 900Jiya Lumia 900 ATT released two days ago. WPCentral, pictures on the site directory name contains words such as ATT, and Nokia. But then these content viewing. Nokia launched the advertising campaign, marking its upcoming Lumia 900 to attract customers. Nokia LumiA 900 in the United States market success has invested huge amounts of money, and its partner--ATT will be Nokia Lumia 900 lands United States markets as their listing of the largest. Nokia launched the "insinuation" Apple iPhone (parameter photo sample testing) mobile phone advertising, show that it no longer fear from iPhoNE phone direct comparison, although the iPhone handset is the current item sales the best smart phone. The current smartphones on the market, Nokia did not mention share many similar Apple products, but Nokia's CEO has publicly claimed tera gold, its goal is to regain from Google Android platform in the future more share. In in Web video advertising, about the Apple iPhone mobile phone, in addition to the "death grip", but also on its iPhone handset the screen display is not clear in the Sun attacked the problem. The advertisement did not name the test product is the iPhone, but also through technical processing, wiping out the Apple iPhone cell phones outIdentity. The ad is likely after the countdown clock to zero, full stop campaign. (Compile/Wakami) Others:

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